President Donald Trump officially took over the @POTUS Twitter account on Friday:

Screengrab by the author
The new Twitter background made me wonder: Whose inauguration is this from? The answer:

carterdayne/Getty Images
Maybe the background was Melania’s idea?
Update, 1:20 p.m.: The team at Full Frontal With Samantha Bee has provided Trump a more accurate background:
Update, 1:55 p.m.: For the record, the background wasn’t a vestige of Obama’s account—here is a screengrab of how Obama’s @POTUS Twitter page looked just Thursday evening:

Screengrab by Slate’s Sam Adams
Regardless, someone on Trump’s social media team must have seen that they’d been caught, because they’ve changed the background for the second time today.

Screengrab by Forrest Wickman
At least they seem to have chosen the right flag?
Update, 2:50 p.m.: @POTUS has changed Twitter backgrounds for the third time today, this time to a photo that is clearly a little too grainy to make an ideal header. Maybe someone can tweet him a higher-resolution image?

Screengrab by the author
The smooth transition continues!